Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Thought For Today

A thought from a dear friend.

OK. I'd like to offer a thought for the day, if original thinking is allowed.... :-)

"Thank you God, for life!"

Being human we tend to see life as a series of trials and tribulations, difficulties and annoyances, with scattered moments of joy interspersed here and there. Life is really an opportunity of several decades duration to make decisions and then reap the results of those decisions, to choose integrity or dishonesty, faith or cynicism, love or hate or anger, jealousy or acceptance, revenge or forgiveness. From these decisions we grow our souls, no less than we have grown gardens and reaped the fruit. Though we some day shed our bodies, our souls, ripened, move on and live in a place that is ready and suitable for them as harvested.

That's my thought but I think it could apply to more than just a day.

Ken 2010

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