Saturday, May 24, 2008

Time For A House Cleaning

All of known history reveals that kings and tyrants conquered lands and peoples, robbed them of their wealth, annexed their land and took the people for slaves. Then came America, the beacon on a hill, a country that fought tyrants and despots who would rob the world's people of freedom. A country that restored friend and foe alike and asked only enough land to bury its dead.

Yet, there are people who hate America; people who say America is imperialistic; people who condemn America for fighting to give others the gift of freedom while protecting our shores. Sadly, many of these people call themselves Americans, and sadder still, many reside in Congress. To them I say liar! You are American in name only. To them I ask, "Where are the conquered lands, the subjugated people, the confiscated wealth? Where is the tribute from conquered states?

Today we face an evil enemy that recognizes no borders, no governments, no rights, no freedoms. It demands we lick their boots as lesser beings and bow down to their blood thirsty god. Yet many in our national leadership sit comfortably in a tub of water discussing appeasement and America's disarmament while our enemies slowly increase the heat under the tub. These are the people who want total control of America's government. Though they richly deserve it, I am not willing to see even these poltroons have their heads brutally hacked from their bodies as many have.

It is time for a reckoning and a house cleaning to remove those who have continued to buy their position and feather their nests with our taxes and who subordinate America’s interests to their own. I speak not of political parties, but individual senators and representatives who have demonstrated a hatred for American values, a total lack of ethics and a willingness to steal. I challenge all who read this to contact your representatives and senators and demand an end to earmarks and riders on legislation. I further challenge you to demand that the President enforce the laws of the nation and formally charge those who have violated the Logan Act, those caught funneling public funds into the pockets of relatives, those who hid shady dealings behind their position, those who refuse to keep our country sovereign by enforcing our border and immigration laws and those who have committed treason in time of war.

There is no question that many are guilty as they are brazen and publicly flaunted their disrespect for the law and this country...and still do. They are a national liability America can no longer afford. To cure this problem for future generations, demand your senators and representatives initiate legislation to have Congress included in the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution. Roosevelt was right. He just didn’t go far enough to prevent an entrenched and power hungry congress from taking government far beyond Constitutional limits.

Our founders envisioned just enough government to hold the country together, protect it and keep men free. They would be horrified at the expansive, invasive, insatiable, revenue devouring octopus that robs us of our freedom with tax after tax and regulation after regulation and law after law, the Constitution be damned. Act now or seek comfort in your servitude.

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